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Trsatic stairway -site specific project 






Project of multiple scenes intended to present many of young artist from field of preforming, but also multimedia arts. Inspired by one of many city's cultural heritages – Trsatic Stairway that was made in 1531. as a path for pilgrims leading to church The Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat and old castle, it gave quite a scenery. Many diversities in architecture and markings, that shifted from urban to traditional catholic image, were used as inspiration for performances.

While climbing the stairs, the public would encounter variety of scenes, from those based on myths and legends, to our contemporary, everyday activities, emotions and dramas. For me, as a cameraman and editor, it was a difficult task to film all of that, since there was no defined stage or large previous preparations.

With many preformers and artist connected with Prostor+, project was successfully preformed in 2003. and filmed on spot. Later projections were shown on Week of Contemporary Dance in Zagreb 2004.



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